Candidate Rickey H. Badua

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Director of Bands and Associate Professor of Music
Biographical Information
Rickey H. Badua is Director of Bands and Associate Professor of Music at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona where he conducts the Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Winds, teaches beginning & instrumental conducting, and oversees all aspects of the wind studies program. His scholarly research involves championing new wind band repertoire and studying the globalization of the wind band medium. Dr. Badua’s most current research project involves exploring the wind band developments of Australia and Asia.
Dr. Badua is active as a presenter and guest conductor throughout the U.S. and abroad including appearances at the Midwest Clinic International Band & Orchestra Conference, Oxford Conducting Institute, College Band Directors National Conference, California All-State Music Educators Conference, Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Conference, Georgia Music Educator’s Association Conference, and the National Association for Music Education-Northwest Division Conference; his most notable engagements include being one of the first American conductors to guest conduct the Admiralty Navy Band of St. Petersburg, Russia and being selected as finalist for The American Prize in Wind Conducting Competition. He has guest conducted in Australia, Spain, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan and Russia.
Involvement in CBDNA
Since 2018, I have served as the State Chair for Southern California and have hosted an unofficial CBDNA Social at the California All-State Music Education Conference since then. I have also volunteered to MC and introduce various performing ensembles at the 2018 and 2022 W/NW Divisional conferences. In 2019, I was appointed and have served on the CBDNA New Works Committee under the leadership of committee chair Damon Talley each year since. Every December, we review nearly 80-100 submissions of new music for the CBDNA Frederick Fennell Composition Contest and since then have awarded composers such Viet Cuong and Jess Turner. In 2020, I was asked by Michael Votta to serve on the CBDNA Mission Statement Revision Committee and proudly contributed to updating our mission to be more inclusive and progressive towards a bright future.
Performances and Presentations
- 2024, CBDNA Western/Northwestern conference, Cal Poly Pomona University Wind Ensemble conductor,performed as conductor and invited ensemble (Cal Poly Pomona University Wind Ensemble). We did the 60thanniversary performance of Aaron Copland’s “Emblems,” and gave two world premieres: James David “E Ala Ē: Arise and Awaken” and Saunder Choi “Locomotion. Both world premieres championed new underrepresented wind band music. One of Native Hawaiian indiegneous music and the other of Filipino culturally influenced music. I am deeply proud of this work in featuring my students and the impact it has made on our profession and wind repretoiry.
- 2017, CBDNA National Conference Kansas City, Presenter: Carter Pann’s “Symphony for Winds: My Brother’s Brain.”
- 2012, CBDNA Southern Division conference, graduate assistant for the University of Georgia Wind Symphony performance.
CBDNA Committee Service
CBDNA Divisional Committee
State Chair (2018 – present), Southern California
Since 2018, I have served as the State Chair for Southern California and have hosted an unofficial CBDNA Social at the California All-State Music Education Conference since then. I have also volunteered to MC and introduce various performing ensembles at the 2018 and 2022 W/NW Divisional conferences.
CBDNA National Committees
New Works Committee (2019 – present)
In 2019, I was appointed and have served on the New Works committee under the leadership of committee chair Damon Talley each year since. Every December, we review nearly 80-100 submissions of new music for the CBDNA Frederick Fennell Composition Contest and since then have awarded composers such Viet Cuong and Jess Turner.
CBDNA Statement of Purpose Revision Committee
In 2020, I was asked by Michael Votta to serve on the CBDNA Mission Statement revision committee and proudly contributed to updating our mission to be more inclusive and progressive towards a bright future.
Vision Statement for the Future of CBDNA
If elected, I will continue to strengthen the foundation CBDNA while promoting relevancy in our society. Reflecting upon who we are and where we are going will allow us to best serve our students, each other and the art form as we build the future of our organization. I envision CBDNA serving as a model for other music organizations to follow, promoted by elevated conference experiences, increased divisional communication and connectivity, and attention to social change, diversity and inclusion, as evident by some ideas below. I am ready to serve and am optimistic for a bright future ahead.
Elevating conference events to promote stronger visibility and relevancy:
- Select world-class performance venues as host sites for outstanding concert performances
- Serve the community by involving local school educators and youth organizations, casting a wider net to attract larger audiences
- Invite distinguished world-class artists to perform as soloist/collaborator with ensembles
- Engage internationally recognized keynote speakers and clinicians from interdisciplinary musical fields
- Diversify presentation topics, while promoting more interdisciplinary collaboration between CBDNA and other organizations
Increasing divisional communication and connectivity:
- Implement virtual resource-sharing platforms among division members (Facebook, Zoom, Instagram)
- Inaugurate an online discussion forum, encouraging grassroots vision sharing and a professional learning community
- Activate social engagement through events, workshops, masterclasses at both local and regional levels
Promoting diversity and inclusion:
- Support new music and composer advocacy by initiating commissioning projects highlighting under-represented composers
- Facilitate advancement of all band programs (small, medium, large) through increased participation in collaborative projects and events
- Develop partnerships with other diverse and musical organizations