
The CBDNA Report

Dr. Danielle Gaudry, editor

CBDNA Program Database

You will find the link to the database of all CBDNA programs submitted in the past here. Hosted by the Institute for Composer Diversity, this is an exciting addition to the CBDNA Report. Members are now able to search past programs using a number of variables such as composer, title, institution, conductor, and year.

Program Search Tool

We are grateful to Dr. Deemer and Dr. Meals for all their continued efforts and endurance in this project and we look forward to the coming months of collaboration with them!

CBDNA Report Submissions

The CBDNA Report welcomes submissions under the following categories: 

• Commissions and Premieres
• News
• Publications and Recordings
• Dissertations
• Programs

If you have previously submitted programs and would like to provide a correction or update, use this form

For new program submissions, please use this form

Please email other submissions directly to Danielle Gaudry at danielle.gaudry@mcgill.ca

Submissions for the next report are due May 1, 2025.

CBDNA Reports